Handouts from Meetings
Jan 14, 2020
Reference List for Presentation
David Smith's Jan 2020 bee management presentation reference list
Are We Raising A Lot Of Welfare Bees?; by Ancel
Doolsbey; Gleanings In Bee Culture, p.372, July 1982.
Colony Management After The Honey Flow; by Lloyd
Harris; Bee Culture, September 2019, p. 61.
Bee Populations; by Steve Taber; American Bee Journal,
October 2000, p. 799.
Some Problems With Bee Populations; by Steve Tabor;
American Bee Journal, p. 940
Management For Nectar Collection; by Walt Wright; Bee
Culture, April 2004, p. 59.
Improve The Size of Your Honey Crop GUARANTEED!;
by Austin A. Knox, Gleanings In Bee Culture, February 1988, p.
A June Affair; by John Peter; Bee Culture, June 1995, p.
Beekeeping Truisms; by Robert L Nielsen; Gleanings In
Bee Culture, December 1984, p. 861.
Fall Colony Management; by Lloyd Harris; Bee Culture,
October 2019, p. 43.
Winter’s Coming; by Ross Conrad; Bee Culture, August
2019, p. 75.
Overwintering; by Robert Helmacy; Bee Culture,
November 2011, p. 63.
Winter Survival; by Jerry Freeman;
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
Mar 09, 2016
European Foulbrood with Mike Embrey
Jan 13, 2016
Planting for Pollinators with guest speaker Cindy King
1. List of Native Trees for Pollinators
3. List of Native Perennials for Pollinator Gardens
Recommended Books:
Pollinators of Native Plants by Heather N. Holme
Attracting Native Pollinators by The Xerces Society
Nov 11, 2015
Pollen and Its Uses with guest speaker Mike Embrey